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Savannah Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Savannah Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Savannah Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Any victim of a motorcycle accident knows the toll that the incident takes. Physically, psychologically, and financially, victims of these accidents face significant challenges. Savannah motorcycle accident attorneys, though, can help them seek restitution for what they’ve suffered.

An experienced team, like the one at Merritt & Merritt Law Firm, can make all the difference when seeking fair compensation.

For an Immediate Consultation call us at 912-341-6644

What Is a Motorcycle Accident Claim?

A motorcycle accident claim is a type of personal injury claim that can be filed by riders who have suffered injuries because of the negligence of another party. These claims give the victims an opportunity to seek restitution for the injuries that they suffered because of what someone else has done.

Winning these claims requires that the plaintiff be able to demonstrate negligence on the part of the defendant and that this negligence led directly to the injuries that the rider suffered.

What Compensation Can I Get for a Motorcycle Accident?

If negligence has been proven, then the plaintiff will have the opportunity to collect restitution, known as “damages,” for their injuries. These injuries will need to be shown to be a direct result of the accident and the defendant’s negligence.

These damages cover a variety of costs, such as medical bills, past and future, related to the accident, and property damage, such as damage to the motorcycle. They also address lost wages if the accident caused you to miss work, and even future lost wages are covered as lost earning capacity. Psychological impacts, such as pain and suffering, are also addressed.

Settlement vs. Court

While going to court and proving these elements is an option, most claims will never make it that far. For many, settling a claim out of court ends up being a better option. It’s often a much quicker process, and victims can receive their funds sooner rather than having to wait months or even years for compensation.

It also has the advantage of avoiding the risks of going to court, where there is a chance that a ruling could come down against your interests. Either way, settlements or litigation offer motorcycle accident victims the opportunity to seek the compensation that they deserve.

What Should You Do If You’ve Been in a Motorcycle Accident?

If you’ve been in a motorcycle accident, there are some things that you will want to do to protect your opportunity to collect damages.

Seek Medical Care

It is critical to get your injuries taken care of. You should always let any paramedics who have been called to the scene examine you, as they are trained to identify traumatic injuries that you, yourself, may not even recognize that you’re dealing with.

After you leave the scene of the accident, it’s also helpful to get a full examination by your doctor in case there was anything that was missed. This ensures that there is a good record of your injuries tied to the accident.

Document Your Injuries and the Accident

It can also be helpful to document the scene of the accident, so long as your injuries will allow you to do so. Photos of the vehicles involved, the damage, your injuries, and anything else you believe to be relevant could be helpful when making your case. It’s also useful to get the contact information of anyone else who was involved in the accident or any witnesses.

Good documentation is a practice that you should continue going forward as well. To receive compensation for the costs associated with the accident, you will need a good record of those costs. Be sure to keep any bills, receipts, doctors’ notes, or any other documentation that is related to your injuries.

Avoid Saying More Than Strictly Necessary About the Accident

It is important to be very careful when discussing the accident. The defendant’s lawyers will be looking to discover anything that sounds like you are taking any blame for the accident. In particular, you should be especially cautious if speaking to anyone from an insurance agency. If you can avoid giving them a statement and allow your lawyer to speak instead, that’s often the wiser choice.

Contact an Attorney

Finally, make sure you contact a lawyer, like one from Merritt & Merritt Law Firm, as soon as possible. We have experience handling all manner of car accidents, including motorcycle accidents, since 1973. We can help advise you as to whether you have a valid claim and can guide you through the next steps in the process.

What Do Savannah Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Do?

It’s our job to seek fair compensation for the injuries that were suffered in a motorcycle accident. We need to identify the properly liable parties and gather evidence that can be used to prove that liability. Once we have that thorough understanding of the situation, we can begin helping you seek compensation.

Normally, there will first be an attempt to settle the case. Our experience in negotiating these claims can often be helpful in ensuring that the other side takes the process seriously. Our presence also demonstrates a real possibility of going to court, which is an expense that they may hope to avoid.

If, though, a settlement can’t be reached and litigation becomes necessary, we can seek restitution that way. Our firm can represent you and demonstrate the defendant’s liability and why you are owed the compensation that you seek.

Motorcycle Accident Victims Deserve Restitution

The costs of a motorcycle accident are steep. The medical bills are often significant, and losing wages because of missed work is not uncommon as well. There’s also a psychological toll that riders who’ve gotten in an accident often suffer.

It’s crucial that these victims receive proper compensation for what they’ve suffered as a result of the accident and their injuries. The law recognizes that those responsible have a duty to provide this compensation, usually through an insurance provider.

Savannah motorcycle accident attorneys help these victims stand up to the insurance companies and get what they’re owed. At Merritt & Merritt Law Firm, we work hard to see that our motorcycle injury clients are fairly compensated for the injuries that they’ve suffered.

Whether by settlement or in court, we’re prepared to represent and advocate for you if you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence. Contact our team to discuss your options and how we can help.
