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Decatur Rideshare Accident Lawyer

Decatur Rideshare Accident Lawyer

Decatur Rideshare Accident Attorney

Rideshare services such as Uber and Lyft have become a staple of the transportation network throughout the United States. If you use these services in the Decatur, GA, area and experience an accident, it is vital to know what to expect when it comes to your legal options for recovering your losses. Your Decatur rideshare accident lawyer can help you navigate your recovery process with confidence and peace of mind.

The attorneys at Merritt & Merritt Law Firm have a strong record of successful representation for all types of civil claims in the Decatur area and surrounding communities. An experienced Decatur rideshare accident lawyer can be an invaluable asset for helping you navigate the potentially complex legal proceedings that you face.

best decatur rideshare accident lawyer

Helping Rideshare Accident Victims Recover in Decatur, GA

The attorneys at Merritt & Merritt have extensive professional experience representing clients in a wide range of complex vehicle accident claims, including those involving Uber and Lyft drivers. Insurance is typically the main source of recovery after any rideshare accident, but navigating the complex legal issues this type of accident presents can be more challenging than the average person expects.

Our firm takes time to learn as much as we can about each client we represent, and we develop individualized case strategies that address each client’s unique needs.

Our goal for your impending rideshare accident claim is to help maximize your recovery in the shortest possible timeframe and to recover as much as state law allows for your damages. If this involves confronting big insurance companies for you, we are fully prepared to do so with confidence.

Recovering From a Rideshare Accident in Decatur

Every driver in the state is legally required to have auto insurance that meets basic coverage requirements. At a minimum, an individual auto insurance policy must include at least $25,000 to cover bodily injuries to a single person, at least $50,000 to cover bodily injuries to multiple victims in one accident, and at least $25,000 for property damage. Rideshare drivers are required to have personal auto insurance as a condition of their employment.

However, rideshare companies also have insurance that can apply to their drivers’ accidents. This insurance can typically offer more expansive coverage for damages, but the rideshare company’s insurance applies differently depending on how an accident happened:

  • If a rideshare driver causes an accident when they are off the clock, meaning they are not logged in and marked as available for a passenger in their driver app, their personal auto insurance applies to the accident.
  • Once the rideshare driver has logged into their driver app and marked themselves as available for a ride request, the first level of the rideshare company’s insurance applies if they cause an accident. This third-party liability coverage can provide up to $50,000 in bodily injury liability coverage for one person, up to $100,000 for bodily injuries to multiple victims in the same accident, and up to $25,000 in property damage.
  • After the driver has picked up a passenger, the second level of the rideshare company’s insurance applies, which includes up to $1 million in third-party liability coverage. There are many special terms and conditions that apply to this tier of coverage, so do not assume that you can automatically claim the full $1 million from this level of a rideshare company’s policy.

Just like all other vehicle accidents, proving fault is an essential first step in recovering from your recent rideshare accident. Additionally, the at-fault driver’s insurance will apply to your damages before the rideshare company’s insurance applies. Your attorney in Decatur can help secure any physical evidence and/or witness testimony you may require to establish fault for the accident.

If you were riding in a rideshare driver’s vehicle as a passenger when the accident happened, it is unlikely that you will be found at fault for the accident. However, if you were driving your own vehicle and bear any partial liability for the accident, it could diminish your recovery under Georgia’s modified comparative negligence rule.

Under this rule, each liable party has a fault percentage assigned, and this could potentially include the plaintiff. If a plaintiff is less than 50% at fault, their fault percentage is taken from their final case award as a penalty, but if they are 50% or more at fault, they cannot claim compensation from any other liable party. Your Decatur rideshare accident lawyer can advise you as to how comparative fault may influence your recovery.

For an Immediate Consultation call us at 404-975-1775

Dealing With Insurance Companies After Accidents in Decatur

Auto insurance companies are in business to make profits, and when they pay out on claims, it diminishes their profitability. While insurance carriers are legally obligated to handle all claims in good faith, there is always a chance of a claimant encountering unexpected complications in their dealings with insurance companies. Unfortunately, some insurance company representatives attempt to take advantage of the desperation of claimants to minimize claim payouts.

When you have an experienced Decatur rideshare accident lawyer working on your case, they can handle all your interactions with insurance companies for you. This is likely to include the at-fault driver’s personal auto insurance carrier as well as the rideshare company’s insurance provider.

The team at Merritt & Merritt Law Firm can ensure your claims are handled in good faith and that you receive appropriate compensation for your damages. We have extensive experience handling all types of complex vehicle accident claims, including those involving rideshare drivers. We know the challenges you could face when it comes to claiming compensation through a rideshare company’s insurance policy.

Completing Your Recovery From a Rideshare Accident

Insurance alone may not fully cover all your damages from a rideshare accident, in which case you will need to file a personal injury suit against whoever caused your accident. Success with this claim requires clear proof of liability as well as evidence showing the full extent of your claimable damages. Your Decatur rideshare accident lawyer can help gather the proof needed to firmly establish liability for your damages.

Under Georgia’s personal injury statutes, the plaintiff in any personal injury claim has the right to seek compensation for their medical expenses, lost income, property damage, and pain and suffering.

There are limits to what auto insurance can provide, even a rideshare company’s expansive policy. Merritt & Merritt can help develop a comprehensive personal injury suit that aims for maximum compensation.

Decatur Injury and Accident Lawyers


Q: Why Should I Hire a Decatur Rideshare Accident Lawyer?

A: You should hire a Decatur rideshare accident lawyer because you are more likely to succeed with a complex vehicle accident case when you have legal counsel, especially if you are facing a rideshare accident claim. These cases are inherently more difficult to resolve than most other accident claims due to the nature of rideshare auto insurance and the various complications you might encounter in your efforts to recover your losses.

Q: How Much Compensation Can I Receive for a Rideshare Accident in Decatur?

A: The amount of compensation you can receive for a rideshare accident in Decatur depends on the severity of your damages. If you are able to prove that another party is directly responsible for the accident, you have the right to seek full compensation for all the damages they inflicted. However, your recovery process may entail one or more insurance claims as well as a personal injury suit, and your attorney can offer an estimate of the total recovery you might obtain.

Q: What Happens if a Plaintiff Is Partially at Fault for Their Damages?

A: If a plaintiff is found partially at fault for their damages, their level of responsibility for causing the damages will be expressed by a fault percentage. As long as this percentage is less than 50%, it will be subtracted from their case award as a penalty, and they can keep the remainder. Plaintiff’s fault of 50% or more bars the plaintiff from claiming compensation from any other liable party.

Q: How Soon Should I Contact a Decatur Rideshare Accident Lawyer?

A: You should contact a Decatur rideshare accident lawyer as quickly as possible after your accident. Resolving this type of vehicle accident case is more challenging than resolving most other types of accident claims, so it is crucial to ensure your attorney has as much time as possible to gather evidence and build your claim. Swift legal action also ensures that the evidence you need will be as fresh and reliable as possible.

Q: What Will It Cost to Hire a Decatur Rideshare Accident Lawyer?

A: The cost to hire your Decatur rideshare accident lawyer will vary from attorney to attorney. However, if you choose Merritt & Merritt Law Firm to represent you, your fee will be a percentage of the total compensation we recover for you, and you will only pay this fee if we win your case. There is no risk of you paying more in legal fees than you win in compensation, and you pay nothing at all if we are unable to obtain a recovery for you.

You have a limited time to file any type of personal injury case, so it is vital to contact a Decatur rideshare accident lawyer as soon as possible.

Contact Merritt & Merritt today to schedule a free consultation with our team and learn more about the legal services we provide.

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